Monday, March 5, 2012

March 1, 2012 in the Deseret News there was an article written by Clifford J. Rosky with the title "Religious Liberties and gay rights".  The article centers around a piece of legislation that has been rejected for times.  The bill would require the Statewide employment an housing laws to be altered to reflect the idea that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the employment and housing market would not be permitted.  Many cities and counties in Utah have already adopted similar policies so it makes a person wonder why the state would be unwilling to pass this bill when it's already supported by more than two-thirds of Utahns.  The article gives you a possible answer....would this affect or threaten our religious liberties?  The article does contain more information and expounds on those concerns as well as who would be affected by this in the business community.  I would like to just stop at this basic concept of discrimination.  I realize that discrimination occurs everywhere and our ability to control that discrimination can be difficult.  However, why wouldn't you want to encourage a bill that helps guarantee rights to a specific class of individuals that has already been given to others?  I know it's not quite as simple as that, but if it's reasonable and well thought out, which this appears to be, why hesitate?  Times are changing and we need to learn to adapt!


  1. Discrimination is hard to prove, because it happens in Utah on a regular basis, so I don't think a law would make much change, but with that said, I think a law should be passed to ensure all people have the same rights.

  2. I think people confuse supporting a cause with giving equal protections. It's unfortunate, but it happens. A lot of times, it's all or nothing for some people. It's a little hard lined for my taste, to be honest.

  3. Discrimination is a black mark on this country's history and I am afraid it will always be present and making laws to discourage won't change its ways.
