Sunday, May 13, 2012

The New York Times had an article on March 22, 1012 with the following title, "JUSTICES EXPAND RIGHT OF ACCUSED IN PLEA BARGAINS".  The article centers around the Supreme Courts decision to expand the judges' supervision of the criminal justice system.....specifically, in this case, plea bargains which have been routinely negotiated within the system and the new ruling recognizes the rights of adequate representation during the plea bargain process.  There are concerns that ineffective counsel will be the cry from defendants who are convicted but say after their conviction they would have taken the plea agreement.   Justice Kennedy has suggested methods to help reduce the risk of that happening.  Personally, I believe that the rights of the accused are given more consideration than those of the victims...however, this seems to make sense.  Once an agreement is offered it should be the defendant who decides if they want to take it AND it should be done with proper representation.  That way there is little room for them to try to cry "Unfair" or "Unconstitutional".  We cover our own butts at the same time!!

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