Sunday, January 29, 2012

Gay Marriage: Should we or shouldn't we?

January 29th, 2012
In an article in the Daily Herald on January 26, 2012 I found an article on page A10 titled, "Gay marriage returns to political spotlight" by David Crary.  The article talks about the issue of gay marriage once again being brought to the forefront for several reasons including:  the upcoming presidentcial elections, bills proposed by Mayland, New Jersey, and Washington to legalize same-sex marriages and the possible referendums that would seek to overturn those laws.  In the second column, first paragraph it briefly mentions that proposed amendments seeking the constitutional ban on gay marriages will be on the ballots in North Carolina and Minnesota.  It's an interesting article and while it only briefly talks about the constitutional ban on these marriages, it is a hot topic of debate in the United States!
My personal view is that ,whether or not I agree with a certain lifestyle, to ban a particular class of people from having the same rights as anyone one else because of their sexual orientation is far from okay.  I debate this issue with everyone from my father to good friends and we always go the same route.  It comes down to more of a "religous" or "moral" question.  I believe that denying someone the right to marry because they are gay is no different than denying women the right to vote because they are female, or permitting the enslavement of African-Americans because of the color of their skin!  It's all based on a personal trait a certain class of people possess.  Who are we to say who should or should not be allowed to marry?  I get that it is an issue surrounding families and the institution of marriage as we have known it to be in the past.  However, this is 2012 and nothing stays the same!  We look at our past and realize that we made some mistakes and we went about changing them, and this subject is no exception.  Being gay does not make you less of a person and should not infringe upon your ability to "seek life, liberty and the persuit of happiness".  Now, where did I read those last few words?  Oh!  That's right....the Constitution of the United States!  What do you think?


  1. This certainly is a polarizing topic. Do you think that the Supreme Court should take the matter in hand and make a 'once and for all' decision on this or is this a state issue.

    Also, you mention that maybe it is a religious ideal that keeps some states from legalising gay marriage, do you think this is a breach of the Establishment Clause?

  2. Paul, I believe that until the Supreme Court decides to hear this issue and make a's never going to be resolved. Everyone is looking to the courts to decide and you can only put if off so long. It's a touchy topic for sure, but it's not that can be ignored!

    Let me think about the Establishment Clause question!

  3. I think the Supreme Court will hold off as long as they can to decide on the topic of same sex marriages. It will stay a state issue. However, I wonder now that California's Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional if the appeals will be heard by the US Supreme Court, maybe there is enough fuss they will decide to nip it in the butt.
    I agree with Whitney. However, though I support the values of my religion and believe marriage is between a man and a woman, I also believe in the freedom to choose what I want and do. Sexual Orientation doesn't define you as a person and it shouldn't be the reason people lose rights over.

  4. I do believe it is a moral and religious issue. I think we should all be able to live our own lives without government interference as long as we all follow the laws of our land. The Supreme Court needs to make a decision, but I do believe marriage is between a man and a woman. Same sex Unions would be fine as long as all rights are the same.

  5. I'm still at a loss as to why marriage is a federal issue, to be honest. I think it's a states right issue. I think federally deciding it is over-reaching, but that's just my opinion.
