Saturday, February 11, 2012

In the Deseret News on February 6, 2012 I found a small article on page A5.  The title is "Free speech rights, bully fight collide" by Rob Smietana.  The following information was taken from Mr. Smietana's article. The article is short but packs a bit of a punch. Senator Jim Summerville from Tennessee filed legislation this past January that would require schools to write bullying policies that would protect the First Amendment rights of those students who wanted to express their beliefs.  This version, as opposed to the one introduced by Senator Jim Tracy, does not specifically mention religion.  Apparently they want to protect the rights of the students who want to express their religious views on homosexuality.  Obviously there are others who see this as a license to bully.
I am all for debating and expressing one's opinions, regardless of whether I personally agree with someone's view.  However, we live in a world where we have watched the devastating effects of bullying.  There is a time and place for everything, but school may not be the best place to allow one child to publicly humiliate and demean another person's choice of lifestyle all in the name of "Free Speech".  Bullying is nothing new.  Trying to put a stop to it, and going to the extent of passing legislation to protect students, that's new.   Why would you want to take a step backwards and allow some wiggle room in an area that we know can produce such devastating results.  Bullying sugar coated as "Free Speech" is still bullying! 


  1. I agree with you that any bullying is bullying, even if, you wrap it in the First Amendment. School is a place for children to feel safe. We have enough bullies in society that were the bullies in school. Lets stop giving them the OK to be awful people.

  2. Free speech is really becoming a hot button issue. Here, it's put into the context of bullying, but I see that as hate speech. We have very similar problems with people putting on public demonstrations that do nothing but berate and bring others down. But hey, that's their right, right? Yeah, people abuse this one way too much.
