Sunday, September 30, 2012

For my last post, or at least my last REQUIRED post, I wanted to end on what could be some sign of hope for the belief in the good of our fellow man.  In the Deseret News on September 18, 2012 there was an article published called, "Libyans tried to rescue ambassador".  The article was written by Maggie Michael.   It gives an account of Libyans who attempted to save Chris Stevens who was the Ambassador of Libya.  They found him alone in a room and close to death.  They attempted to get him medical care and were reportedly very frustrated that no medical personal was available on scene to help him.  They put him over one man's shoulder and carried him to a car but he died not long after he was found from smoke inhalation.  You can never fully be sure that what you read is what really happened but since I've taken the position that the articles I've read are based on facts I am going to give credit to this article as well.  A big "Thank You" would appropriate in this situation.  Life is not fair but when bad things happen to good people I would like to think that we would all do the right thing regardless of who it is that needs help!  So, Thanks!


  1. So good to see GOOD news rather than bad!! Although Chris Stevens did not survive, the fact that people were trying to help him in his final moments helps me restore my faith in humanity. People should help people, no matter what background they are from, what their beliefs are, or what others think of it. I think it's awesome that they tried to help him, and I am grateful that there are still good people out there.

  2. I heard about Chris Stevens death but I had not heard this side of the story. I loved this story. It is hard to see what is going on in libya but i think it is good for everyone to see that not all Libyans have the same view.

  3. Good news for once is always appreciated. The story just goes to show there is still some humanity in the world, even in the most terrible of situations. Unfortunately, Mr. Stevens is no longer with us, but at least the story does shed some hope.

  4. I had not heard this side of the story. It is a nice change to hear people not just trying to help themselves, but helping others. It is a very unfortunate situations, but I am glad to hear that there are still good people out there.

  5. I also didn't hear this side of the story and it shows that there is good in people even in bad situations...
