Friday, September 21, 2012


On September 17, 2012 an article was published in USA TODAY with the above title.  It was written by Oren Dorell.  Fourteen minutes!  Fourteen minutes is all it took to upset the apple cart.  The Yube Tube video mocking the Prophet Mohammed is only 14 minutes long but has had an extremely far reaching effect all the world!  More than a dozen countries across the Middle East have experienced riots that are linked back to this video.  Well, that's what is being said officially.  The article talks about the struggle for control in the Middle East and that with the U.S. pulling their forces out of Iraq a "massive source" of "grievances for ultra-conservative Muslims called Salafis, who have been leading the charge in the recent protests" must essentially find something else to fight about!  Tamara Wittes, who served as deputy assistant secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs until just recently was quoted as saying, "Now they're left trying to gin up anti-American feelings over this campy movie.  If Salafis groups are left having to troll the Internet for a pretext, I think we're in pretty good shape."  It's an interesting article that gives additional facts about the Salafis'.  I'm struggling to understand why anyone needs a reason to continue the fighting!  In today's world I guess it's better to bitch about something than to focus on solving the real problems around you!  Good luck to the Salafis and the others who would wage war rather than focus on solving their own problems at home!

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