Thursday, September 6, 2012

In the Salt Lake Tribune on September 4, 2012 an article titled, "ASSAD: No dialogue before rebels crushed" was published.  It reported that the Syrian regime has no intention of trying to open up the lines of communication but will instead continue it's assault on it's own country.  In fact according to Muhieddine Lathkani, an opposition figure, the only chance that talks could take place would be if President Assad were to leave and his security agency taken with him.  Information Minister al-Aoebi warned that any intervention by foreign powers would be met with "no red lights to our retaliation.....We will cut the such a hand and make them pay a high price."  But don't worry the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that if President Assad resorts to the use of chemical weapons that their response would be, "massive and blistering".  If you have the French on your side what more do you need right?  Sorry, sarcasm isn't going to solve the Syrian civilians problems but certainly we need to look at the situation and decide at what point do we opt to help them out.  We cannot fight everyone's war but it is hard to watch as people are slaughtered and not want to help.  What's a world to do??

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