Saturday, September 22, 2012

In The Salt Lake Tribune on September 19, 2012 there was an article titled, "Egypt wants 7 Copts, U.S. pastor on trial".  It was written by Sarah El Deeb.
What's better than doing nothing at all?  How about sending out warrants for the arrest of individuals NOT in your country and whose custody you cannot obtain.  The general prosecutor of Egypt issued warrants for seven Egyptian Coptic Christians and an American pastor from Florida.  Why?  The charges are linked to the anti-Islamic film that sparked the murder of an American Ambassador in Lybia and riots all over the Arab world. Non of the individuals are believed to live in Egypt and not likely to appear in court BUT that does not stop the prosecutor from trying....which is really all he can do.  With a country, or two, demanding justice over the  mocking of their Prophet Mohammad, this is just a small way to say that the government is working on some sort of justice!  Good luck....especially since the penalty could be the death penalty.  I don't see any of those individuals take a plane ride to Egypt anytime soon!

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